Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year ~ 2012

In 2011, I got an IPhone and my IPhone is hooked to my Facebook.  It will tell me the weather, show me where I am and show me where I want to be.  It takes pictures and videos.  It will talk to me or take notes from me.  It will play games and hopefully, very soon, it will let me talk around the World to my grandchildren! 

I have been pushed and pulled (mostly against my will) into this century. How LONG I explained to Gwendolyn that I didn't want a Facebook account.  I didn't want to talk to other people and I didn't want them looking at my information!  How patient she was to explain I could keep it private and other people would not see it... then she put pictures of my grand babies... easy pickings!  So, in October of 2008, I joined the world of social networking.  I now have 260 friends from around the world. Yes, I know that is not very many in comparison to others, but for me, it is somewhat of a miracle. 

I'm up to writing on my blog, once again.  I have traveled to Thailand three times!  I've stayed a month in Guatemala!  I've been back to Mexico, I've even stayed in Oklahoma! 
 I am now ready for 2012!  Facebook, IPhone, Skype, why, I may move into the world of Twits!  A world of  "new things" await us in 2012.  Some; we will willingly embrace, some we will hesitate to embrace and a few, we will simply say; "No".    May whatever new thing that comes our way, be a conduit to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Instead of fearing the new, may we see the potential.  At one time, clay tablets or papyrus was used for recording.  Once upon a time a feather was used for writing!  Sooner or later, these "new" inventions were embraced and used to further the Gospel.  I have a book that shows some of the progress of the written word.  Near the end, it has a picture of a cassette tape - it says something like: One day all the books in the world may be recorded on these.  Since then, How many new inventions have carried the Word? 

May my new IPhone be used to carry the Word in 2012.  May my Facebook page be used to witness to and comfort those in need.  May I not lose sight of the old ways, nor ignore the new ways.